13/05/2011 - Project Completed

Marks sent off to exam board.

11/05/2011 - Finished 'Reflection' section in AQA documentation - 2 Hours

09/05/2011 - Final Presentation - 15 minutes

Presented my PowerPoint and website to my supervisor, other teachers and students within the school.

06/05/2011 - Prepared and Practiced Presentation - 3 Hours

Prepared and practiced my presentation before the actual one which will take place on Monday 9th May 2011.

05/05/2011 - Finished 'Presentation record part A' section in AQA documentation - 2 Hours

05/05/2011 - Finished 'Summary' section in AQA documentation - 30 Minutes

28/04/2011 - Finished written report - 3 Hours

Finished written report that will be submitted with my other assessment EPQ work.

28/04/2011 - End-of-project review - 1 Hour

Finished 'End-of-project review' section in AQA documentation.

21/04/2011 - Finished website - 3 Hours

Finished 'Interview - Oliver Bailey' page and 'References' page.

Sitemap of my website (overview of my website).

14/04/2011 - Continued developing website - 4 Hours

Finish 'Duxford Museum' page along with 'Gallery, Interview 1 and Interview 2' page. It took a while to finish the Duxford section of the website of the website as I couldn't figure out how to upload voice recordings of my interviews I gathered from the trip to my website. I eventually found out from a website that I needed to create a 'file cabinet' page to upload mp3 files. Even though I found out how to do it in the end, It delayed the progress of my project slightly.

07/04/2011 - Continued developing website - 2 Hours

Finished 'Future Developments' Page.

31/03/2011 - Continued developing website - 3 Hours

Finished 'Air Safety' Page.

24/03/2011 - Continued developing website - 2 Hours

Finished 'Commercial Jet Aircraft' Page.

17/03/2011 - Started developing website - 2 Hours

Finished home page of website.

10/03/2011 - Visited Duxford Museum - 3 Hours

Carried out two interviews as other research sources. Researched into landmark aircrafts that have had an effect on the commercial aviation industry.

03/03/2011 - Had interview with Oliver Bailey - 30 Minutes

I Got all the answers from the questions I prepared last week. I will use Oliver Bailey's interview as a primary research source and compare it to information I have gathered from online and aircraft books.

24/02/2011 - Prepared question for Oliver Bailey's interview - 1 Hour

Interview Questions:

1) What made you have an interest in commercial jet aircraft and become a pilot?

2) What company do you work for and what commercial aircraft do you fly?

3) How many passengers does the aircraft you fly hold? What is the aircrafts top speed etc?

4) What are your career ambitions? Where would you like to be in 10 years time?

5) What safety procedures do you have to carry out as pilot?

6) How has air safety changed (what influenced it) since you have been learning to become a pilot?

7) What till commercial aviation be like in next 25 years do you believe?

8) What possible future developments may happen to commercial aviation?

24/02/2011 - Set up Google Sites website - 2 Hours

I set up my website with an appropriate website template which is clear and easy to present to an audience. Also  I chose the template that fits best with my wire frames I planned. As well as setting up my website, I practiced using HTML coding and different features of Google Sites so I am fully prepared and ready to use it once I have been Duxford and had an interview with Oliver Bailey.

17/02/2011 - Booked Duxford Trip - 15 minutes

Duxford will be another research source. I booked to visit the museum  on the 10th March 2011. My supervisor has allowed me to take the afternoon off school to visit Duxford.

Duxford Website - http://duxford.iwm.org.uk/server/show/nav.129

17/02/2011 - Organised interview with Oliver Bailey - 15 minutes

I organised a interview with a ex TBSHS student who is now a pilot. I will be able to interview him on what he thinks about commercial aviation and how its changed. I also can get his opinion on what possible future developments may happen in the upcoming years. The interview is due to take place on the 3rd March 2011.

10/02/2011 - Mid-project review - 30 minutes

I stated the successes and failures of my project so far. In the meeting with my supervisor, he recommended that I should use Google Sites rather than Dreamweaver because the software offers website templates whereas Dreamweaver doesn't. By having a ready made template I can stop wasting time developing the layout of the website, I can focus fully on the content in it.

Changes made after mid-project review:

The one major change that I am going to make due to the dicussion with my supervisor is the transfer from using Adobe Dreamweaver to Google Sites. The reason for this is so that I can fully focus on the content of my websites rather than it's layout. Also we agreed to use Google Sites as it is free and can be accessed at both school and home. In addition of this, the discussion with my supervisor has reminded me to constantly use my Delicious account when referencing any sources that I am going to refer to in my website. I have also been advised to constantly review my Gantt chart as it will help with my time management. With this in mind, I will keep reviewing my chart making sure that I am completing project tasks within the time period. 

Next planned steps:

My next planned step in the progress of my project is to stop using Adobe Dreamweaver because of the reasons stated above. I am then going to pick a relevant and appropriate Google Sites template and start to put the content in the website. Whilst in the progress of building and developing my website, I will continue to gather research from my other sources. I will organise the interview with Oliver Bailey and book the Duxford trip. It is important that I gather the information from Oliver Bailey and Duxford as it allow me to continue will my project and finish my website.   

As well having the meeting with my supervisor, I also completed the 'mid-project review' section in the AQA documentation.

10/02/2011 - Continued using Adobe Dreamweaver - 2 Hours

I still continued to develop the layout of my website but it was taking a while to do because the software was advanced. I found it difficult to use as I have only learnt to use it at a basic level.

03/02/2011 - Started creating website using Adobe Dreamweaver - 3 Hours

Started using Adobe Dreamweaver. I have had a discussion with Mr Atkinson who has knowledge using Dreamweaver and HTML coding to learn different techniques on how use the website software. After this discussion, I started to create a layout for my website so then I can put the information I gathered in it. As I havn't used the programme since last year, It has taken me alot of time to get used to the website software which has delayed my project progress.

27/01/2011 - Developed Wireframes for my Website - 3 Hours

Creating a wireframe has allowed to get a planned visual image of my website. It will help with the structure and layout of my website (where the sub-headings and images are going to placed on my page).

20/01/2011 - Developed Website Structure - 3 Hours

I created a website structure diagram as it will help me with the layout and navigation of my website. It will also help me with the structure of each page of my website as I know what to include in them.

13/01/2011 - Continued Research on Possible Future Developments - 3 Hours

Continued my research into possible future developments. I looked into whether aircrafts could ever become pilotless and what effects it would have on the economy (pilots losing their jobs). Also I researched into different materials and shapes that airline manufacturers are introducing to use on new aircrafts. To support this research I looked into a possible new aircraft (SAX-40) which is in its testing stage. Manufacturers have changed the shape of SAX-40 aircraft and have used technology to make it silent to benefit the enviroment.

06/01/2011 - Started Research into Possible Future Developments - 2 Hours

Researched into possible future developments that may happen to commercial jet aircrafts in the up coming years. During this two hour period I looked into the environmental damage that jet aircrafts have on the atmosphere. I researched into how much damage jet aircrafts cause to the environment. As well as finding out what damages the atmosphere, I looked up possible future developments/solutions that can minimise the damage that jet aircrafts cause.

30/12/2010 - Continued Research on Air Safety - 3 Hours

Continued research into air safety. I looked into terrorism especially 9/11 and how that had an impact on the safety on commercial jet aircraft. From my research findings, I discovered that 9/11 did have an influence on air safety. Once the incident happened, they had stricter security schemes and set new laws done to avoid something like that happening again. As well as terrorism, I also touched on the evacuation and navigations of commercial airplanes.

16/12/2010 - Continued Research on Commercial Aviation - 2 Hours

Researched in short and long haul flights and what arlines come under each of them. For example, EasyJet specailise in short haul flights whereas Virgin Alantic are known for their long haul flights. As well as looking into different types of flights, I also researched into a number of notable aircrafts (landmarks) and how their interior features such as first class have changed since the twentieth century.

09/12/2010 - Began Research - 3 Hours

Started research on general commercial jet aircraft. I researched in to the two main aviaiton manufacturers Boeing and Airbus. I found out how they had a impact on the safety and devlopment of commercial jet aircraft. I also discovered what they are currently developing/working on now which will be launched in the market in the future.

02/12/2011 - Finished Gantt Chart - 2 Hours

25/11/2010 - Started to develop Gantt chart - 1 hour

I started to begin my Gantt chart that will help me manage my time throughout the project. The Gantt chart will allow me to structure my project and break down tasks. This tool will be very effective when I am planning my time for my planned research. Researching is one of the most important elements of the project and it is vital that I have enough time to research in different topic that relates to my project title and what mind map. A Gantt chart is an effective tool which will also help me achieve my personal targets and objectives.

25/11/2010 - Completed 'Planning Review' section in documentation - 1 hour

In this section I planned the next steps in my planned research. I touched on the use of a delious accout, mind maps, gantt charts and blogging. This section has also allowed me to be organise and know what research I need to carry out in the coming months. It is important that I plan my time well so I have a enough time to research in all areas associated with my project. I will use a Gantt chart that has been converted from my mind map to help with my time management and make sure I spend the same amount of time on different areas of my project.