18/11/2010 - Setting up Delcious Account - 2 Hours

I have now signed up to a Delicious account. This service will allow me to see where all the information from my final project has come from. This will allow me to bookmark any websites I have gathered information from which will help me be organised throughout the project. I believe it is very important to have a delicious account at this stage of my project as after I have developed my gantt chart, I will be scanning the web for different information sources for my project website, so it is vital that I bookmark these websites as references. The two bookmarks in the image above are the two websites that assisted me in the changing of the layout of my blog through HTML coding.

11/11/2010 - Complete new Mind Map - 2 Hours

This is my new version of mind map. This is a more expanded and typed up version of my draft mind map. I used MatchWare Mindview as it's a software that specialises in mind mapping. The software also will allow me to convert it which will help me with my time management and progress of my project. As well as gantt charts to help with my time management, I will also use this mind map to give me guidance in what topic to research in.

04/11/2010 - Layout of Blog - 2 Hours

To make my blog more professional and ready to be presented I wanted to change the layout of my blog. The use of my knowledge of HTML coding and research on the internet, I was able to make a number of adjustments to my blog through HTML. I believe this will make my blog more effective as it has a better layout and it is easier to follow. Changing the layout also indicates that I have good skills in HTML coding that I learnt in ICT in previous years.


1. http://www.google.com/support/blogger/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=46870

2. http://www.google.com/support/blogger/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=43708

28/10/2010 - Finished Mind Map Draft - 2 Hours

This is my refined mind map for my project. This a draft version of my mind map, to finalise my mind map I will type this draft version onto MatchWare Mindview like berfore. The mind map software is a very powerful tool as it allows me to hyperlink websites, images and enter. It also allows me to convert my mind map to a gantt chart automatically. This will then help me with my time management and make sure I reach my personal targets on time. Once I have completed my mind map, I will then research into the different topics stated into the mind map. I will use project diarys, gantt charts and a range of research sources to help my project progress.

21/10/2010 - Started new Mind Map (Draft Version) - 2 Hours

After the my meeting with my supervisor, my project has a new title which means I have to research into different aspects compared to my original mind map. As the result of this, I have started a new draft version of my mind map with the new title 'The Evolution of Jet Aircraft and Future Developments'.

14/10/2010 - Completed 'Project Proposal A' - 2 Hours

After the meeting with my supervisor, I completed the section 'Project Proposal A' in the Extended Project Record Sheet. The 'Project Proposal A' included all the adjustments made that me and my supervisor discussed the meeting (such as the new title we agreed on - ' The Evolution and Future Developments of Commercial Jet Aircraft').

07/10/2010 - Meeting with Supervisor - 30 Minutes

The agenda for the meeting was to discuss my first idea for my Extended Project with my supervisor. I believe the meeting was very important to hold with my supervisor as it allowed another person's perspective on my project. The meeting would allow me to take advice on board which would help improve my project and make it more successful. After reviewing the meeting and my supervisor comments, we both agreed that my first initial idea for my project was too broad and that I should focus on one particular area. After taking into account my supervisors advice, I have decided to analyse different aspects of commercial jet transport, not jet transport as a whole. This decision will allow me to focus on one particular area. As a result of this I feel that my project will be more detailed and can be presented more clearly. Due to the slight change of my project, the new title will be 'The Evolution and Future Developments of Commercial Jet Aircraft'. I will have to adjust my first mind map so its relevant to my new title/topic. From there I can then go on and convert my new mind map into a gantt chart.

In the meeting, I also discussed how I was going to present the information I am going to gather. We both agreed that I would use my ICT Skills I have learnt this year and last year to present my project. After discussing possible options, I opted to present my project through a website. The reason behind this is that I have past experience using Adobe Dreamweaver (Website Software). As well as having skills and experience using a website software, I also enjoy making websites and it would also benefit myself in the future as I am looking at a possible option of taking a Web Design course at university. During the meeting, my supervisor made sure that I knew what the purpose and audience of my project was. This is a very important matter as you need to make sure that you carry out a number of procedures. For example, the language used in your project, must be relevant to your audience.

Overall I believe the meeting went very well and was very effective. After recieving advice and getting another person's perspective on my project, I noticed a number of aspects that needed changing from my original idea. These changes would make my project more effective and successful. I feel that the meeting with my supervisor was very beneficial, as it has enabled me to see where my project is going and want needs to be done in the planning of it. As the result of having a meeting with my supervisor, I feel much confident and I now believe that my project can be a success.

30/09/2010 - Complete Mind Map and started and finished the 'Record of Initial Planning' documentation - 3 Hours

Finished Version of Mind Map:

23/09/2010 - Continued Developing Mind Map - 3 Hours

16/09/2010 - Create and Develop a Mind Map - 2 Hours

I created a mind map to research into different aspects of Jet Aircraft. My idea for my project is to research and analyse different aspects and history of Jet Aircraft. I used a software called MatchWare MindView, this enabled me to create a mind map allowing me to focus on specific sections. The mind map software is a very powerful tool as it allows me to hyperlink websites, images and enter. It also allows me to convert my mind map to a gantt chart automatically. This will then help me with my time management and make sure I reach my personal targets on time.

09/09/2010 - Research Ideas for Extended Project Topic - 2 Hours

I carried out a brainstorm of topics I take an interest in and which could be a possible option to research in for my extended project.

After researching into the possible Extended Project ideas listed above, I have came to the decision that the topic I will be doing for my project is 'The Evolution of Jet Aircraft'. The reason behind this decision is that I have always had a personal interest in Aviation particularly Jet Aircraft from a young age. I will use this project to persue this interest into further depth. I also believe that this is the topic I will enjoy the most and I feel that is very important when carrying out a project.